One of the most surreal experiences I encountered after moving to Portland was watching the semi annual migration of the Vaux Swifts at Chapman School. Year after year more birds come and more spectators flood to the hillside and lawns to watch these birds circle in a living tornado into the retired Chapman chimney, all before the darkness sets in.
This past friday surrounded by a community of friends we sat perched upon the Chapman hill, picnics spread wide, watching kids of all ages slide down the dry slope atop cardboard, all the while waiting for the grand finale of the Vaux Swifts. Most nights larger birds of prey join in the game. Camera in hand I locked the shutter catching a hawk prey.
It's still as amazing as the first time I witnessed them. Their movement and flight patterns as the dive 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 thick at times makes one feel part of some haunting movie. These photographs showcase the whir and sheer volume like poignantly choreographed performance.